How to Talk to Your Child About Race & Racism

We get it - you want your child to be aware of social issues but you're also worried about the best way to approach such topics. 

We want to help you out! Here's a list of 5 resources that we found and think would be helpful for you and your family. 


100 Race-Conscious Things You Can Say to Your Child to Advance Racial Justice by Raising Race Conscious Children 

This title sounds intimidating but a quick scroll through shows just how easily race conscious language can be incorporated into daily conversations with your child! 

10 Tips for Teaching and Talking to Kids About Race by Embrace Race 

This quick article shows parents how to embrace discussion about prejudice and education about cultural awareness. It's okay if you're also learning alongside your child! 


@theconsciouskid was created and is run by parents of color and is an educational non-profit dedicated to helping parents navigate conversations and situations surrounding race, equity, and education. 

@embracerace is a community founded by two parents of color who saw a need for resources and a community to meet the challenge of raising children in a race conscious world. They offer seminars, articles, and other resources and have partnered with organizations like the American Psychological Association, The Eric Carle Museum for Picture Book Art, and Amherst Media. 


Check out this educator's Twitter thread that compiles a comprehensive list of children's books that discuss race and racism.