Savory Carrot Oatmeal

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  • 1 3/4 cup - 2 cups of water

  • 1 cup of rolled oats

  • 1/4 cup of grated carrot (I used a microplane grater)

  • 1 egg beaten 

  • 1/4 tsp of granulated garlic

  • 1/8 tsp turmeric

  • Sesame seeds for sprinkling on top 

  • Salt/pepper to taste

  • Tiny drizzle of olive oil for the end (optional)

  • Drizzle of unsweetened oat milk at the end (optional)


  1. In a small pot, boil water with pinch of salt.

  2. Pour in the oats and reduce heat to medium.

  3. Add the grated carrot, turmeric, garlic and salt/pepper. Let it cook for a couple of mins.

  4. Then add the beaten egg into the oatmeal. Mix gently.

  5. Cook for another 3-4 minutes. Add more water if you need to.

  6. Scoop into bowl and sprinkle on sesame seeds and more grated carrot. Optional: you can drizzle tiny bit of olive oil on top and unsweetened oat milk as well. Enjoy!